Better Outcomes Now Blog

If the Alliance Is So Important, Why Don’t More Therapists Monitor It?

The alliance is our most powerful ally and represents the most influence that we can have over outcome. The alliance is the soul of change. It also accounts for why one therapist gets better results...

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In Memory of Dr. Bob Bohanske

Robert T. Bohankse, Ph.D., friend, colleague, and influencer without equal, died on January 4, 2021. Dr. Bohanske was Chief of Clinical Services/Clinical Training at Southwest Behavioral and Health...

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New PCOMS Certified Trainer in Spain: Dr. Tatiana Casado de Staritzky

The Better Outcomes Now (BON) team is very pleased to announce the addition of a new Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) Certified Trainer, Dr. Tatiana Casado de Staritzky! The...

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