Better Outcomes Now Blog

PCOMS, Diagnosis and Acute Inpatient Care

Diagnosis and Acute Inpatient Care Two recently published articles are now available--both take PCOMS to different places. The first discusses PCOMS as an alternative to psychiatric diagnosis. Rather...

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What’s In a Name?

Partners for Change Outcome Management System There has been an ongoing confusion about what to call the clinical methodology of administering and discussing the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and the...

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The Future of Outcome Monitoring Is Here

Monitoring outcomes as a quality improvement strategy, better described as systematic client feedback, is no longer a vision of the distant future—it is the way things are expected to be done quite...

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If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking

The “Impossible” Case project I have always been taken by Emily Dickinson and this is one of my favorites. I included this poem in the book, Psychotherapy with “Impossible” Cases, which described my...

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Supervision: Who Is It For?

Supervision Through PCOMS This blog is based on a recent comment (Duncan, 2016) published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. The purpose of supervision is to promote the...

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The Ominous Clinical Cutoff and Data Accuracy

Ominous Clinical Cutoff & Data Accuracy If there is anything about PCOMS and the Outcome Rating Scale that raises the hair on our collective necks, it is the ominous sounding but completely innocuous...

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The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

The PCOMS Longevity A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… In 1994, I published an article in the journal Psychotherapy with my friend and colleague Dorothy Moynihan (“Applying Outcome Research:...

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PCOMS Top Ten Motivations for Therapists

When doing implementations of PCOMS, after I do an overview of what PCOMS actually is and show a video of what it looks like, I ask therapists, "Why don't you want to do this?" or "Why won't you do...

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The Founder of Common Factors: Saul Rosenzweig

The common factors have a storied history that started with Saul Rosenzweig’s (1936) classic article "Implicit Common Factors in Diverse Forms of Psychotherapy." In addition to the original...

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Oprah and Gomer Pyle

It has always been a source of amusement for me that people are so interested in my moment in the spotlight. No matter what I put in my bio, the first thing that is commented on is my Oprah...

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