Better Outcomes Now Blog

If the Alliance Is So Important, Why Don’t More Therapists Monitor It?

The alliance is our most powerful ally and represents the most influence that we can have over outcome. The alliance is the soul of change. It also accounts for why one therapist gets better results...

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Magic Potions, Snake Oil, and Getting Better at Psychotherapy

Most therapists aspire to become better at what they do. But how do you get better? How do you make sense of all the noise—the fads and fashions, our love affair with models, and the persuasions of...

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Closing the Gap Between More and Less Effective Therapists

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, don’t read anything other than social media pablum, are part of a cult of some model, or just don’t think about or care about your effectiveness, you are...

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Better Outcomes Now v. Our Corporate Competitors

Our marketing consultants have been trying to get me to do a comparison between Better Outcomes Now (BON) and our competitors for a long time, as well as other “sales” related activities. “I am not a...

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Multicultural Competence, MBC, and the ORS/SRS

There have been great strides in behavioral health regarding diversity, equity, inclusion, and multicultural competence, but a need remains to translate these values into actionable practices in...

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The Three Faces of the Outcome Rating Scale

The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) is the first of two brief, user-friendly measures employed by the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS). The ORS measures client benefit from services...

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STAR*D Exposed: Jackie Was Right!

A re-evaluation of the influential STAR*D study of antidepressants has exposed it as a fraud, now recognized by the psychiatric community. Dr. Sparks was right.

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Top Ten Qualities of the Best Therapists

An often asked question is what makes one therapist better than another. This blog identifies ten therapist qualities that differentiate the best from the rest.

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What We've Been Up to at Better Outcomes Now

Better Outcomes Now or BON, the web application of the evidence-based practice, the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS), is an empirically proven measurement-based care (MBC) system...

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The Myth of Multiple Outcome Measures

There is nothing wrong with using an additional outcome measure. For example, using the PHQ-9 as a periodic measure in addition to the every session Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) makes total sense with...

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