Better Outcomes Now Blog

Magic Potions, Snake Oil, and Getting Better at Psychotherapy

Most therapists aspire to become better at what they do. But how do you get better? How do you make sense of all the noise—the fads and fashions, our love affair with models, and the persuasions of...

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Better Outcomes Now v. Our Corporate Competitors

Our marketing consultants have been trying to get me to do a comparison between Better Outcomes Now (BON) and our competitors for a long time, as well as other “sales” related activities. “I am not a...

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The First Self-Rated Outcome Measure for Children: The Child Outcome Rating Scale

Giving youth a voice in therapy is given a lot of lip service. But just like privileging clients, when the doors are closed or the teletherapy begins, whose voice is really heard? This is especially...

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Huge Benefits for Patients in Integrated Healthcare Using PCOMS!

Great news for patients receiving treatment in integrated healthcare, where behavioral health and medical providers work collaboratively to address patient needs. The first study of measurement-based...

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ORS and SRS: Understanding the Psychometrics

In this historical series of blog posts discussing the journey to client-directed therapeutic services, the previous post shared how the clinical process of the Partners for Change Outcome Management...

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ORS and SRS Rating Scales: Path to Development

In this historical series of blog posts discussing the journey to client-directed therapeutic services, the previous post shared insights gained from The Heroic Client. This post does the same, but...

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The Outcome Questionnaire, Working Alliance Inventory, and Feasibility

In this historical series of blog posts discussing the journey to client-directed therapeutic services, the previous topic was changing the rules. This post shares insights gained from The Heroic...

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Journey to Client-Directed Therapeutic Services: Changing the Rules

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…before the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS)—yes, way back in 1986, I became very interested in the common factors because of Michael...

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