Better Outcomes Now Blog

The Outcome Questionnaire, Working Alliance Inventory, and Feasibility

In this historical series of blog posts discussing the journey to client-directed therapeutic services, the previous topic was changing the rules. This post shares insights gained from The Heroic...

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Journey to Client-Directed Therapeutic Services: Changing the Rules

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…before the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS)—yes, way back in 1986, I became very interested in the common factors because of Michael...

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Therapist Development: Getting Better at What We Do

Therapist development, or getting better at what you do, takes more than deliberate practice—it requires two things: 1) attaining systematic client feedback, sometimes called routine outcome...

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Giving Youth a Voice in Therapy

Giving youth a voice in therapy is given a lot of lip service. But just like privileging clients, when the doors are closed or the teletherapy begins, whose voice is really heard? This is especially...

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Meeting Outcome Measures Standards for Behavioral Health Accreditation

Are you having accreditation nightmares about client-reported outcome measures? Don’t worry! The Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) and Better Outcomes Now (BON) have your back in...

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Why Clients Are the Best Teachers of Psychotherapy

A lot of recent attention has been paid to “deliberate practice” as a method to improve therapist performance. It is defined as individualized training activities specifically designed, usually by a...

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An Evidence-Based Practice for Any Therapy Treatment Model

The Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) is an evidence-based practice supported by eight randomized clinical trials (and counting). Each of the eight trials unequivocally...

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Types of Outcome Measures in Mental Health

Measuring outcomes in behavioral health has become a quagmire of misinformation and marketing buzzwords. Given that the three main accrediting bodies (i.e., the Joint Commission, Council on...

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New PCOMS Certified Trainer in Spain: Dr. Tatiana Casado de Staritzky

The Better Outcomes Now (BON) team is very pleased to announce the addition of a new Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) Certified Trainer, Dr. Tatiana Casado de Staritzky! The...

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GAD-7 Scoring, Graphing, and Administering Now in BON

Once again, Better Outcomes Now (BON) has made life easier for those behavioral health professionals working in primary care, or for those who want to add a specific measure for clients struggling...

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