Better Outcomes Now Blog

Implementing Measurement Based Care

Measurement based care (MBC), sometimes called routine outcome monitoring (ROM) or systematic client feedback (our favored term), is gaining traction across behavioral health settings. In fact, it is...

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Nothing Wrong with Long Term Therapy, But...

A long time ago in a galaxy far away I became enamored of so-called, “brief therapy.” I appreciated longer term approaches, especially existential and client centered models, but I was drawn to the...

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The Alliance IS the Therapy

The fact of the matter is that the alliance is our most powerful ally and represents the most influence that we can have over outcome. The alliance is the soul of change. But it’s hard not to take it...

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Measurement Based Care To Become a Professional Practice Guideline

An article just published in the journal, Psychotherapy by Boswell et al advocated for measurement based care (MBC) to be recognized as a Professional Practice Guideline (PPG) for psychotherapy...

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The Myth of the Silver Bullet Cure

Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.--Andre Gide There is so much nonsense out there that it would take a compendium of volumes the size of Wikipedia to do it justice,...

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The Myth of the Magic Pill

"When money speaks, the truth stays silent." - Russian Proverb There is so much nonsense out there that it would take a compendium of volumes the size of Wikipedia to do it justice, but I have...

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The Myth of Psychiatric Diagnosis

The judges of normality are present everywhere.

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Who Benefits From Ubiquitous Screening?

Before I answer the question posed in this blog, first let me say that there is nothing wrong with trying to identify folks who are struggling so that help can be provided. And there is nothing...

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Dr. Jacqueline A. Sparks, PCOMS co-developer, social justice advocate, critical thinker extraordinaire, university professor, journal editor, person who I would most like to be on my team behind the...

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Why Measure Outcomes? Because It’s the Ethical Thing to Do

The good news is that psychotherapy is effective with many clients. The bad news is that not everyone benefits. Behavioral health organizations need to accept the fact that some clients do not...

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