Better Outcomes Now Blog

There Are Now Ten Randomized Clinical Trials Demonstrating Better Outcomes with PCOMS

Ten randomized clinical trials (RCT) published in top-tier, peer-reviewed journals demonstrate that the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) unequivocally improves outcomes and...

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The Session Rating Scale, the Alliance, and Cultural Humility

If you don’t have BON, the SRS (Download the paper and pencil form) is easily scored by measuring the client’s marks on the line in a similar fashion as the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS). Each line is...

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Do We Really Care about the Therapeutic Alliance?

The therapeutic alliance is a robust predictor of ultimate outcome and is supported by over 1000 independent studies across models, modalities, and populations of clients. The alliance accounts for...

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The Clinical Nuances of the Outcome Rating Scale

The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS), the measure of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (ORS), is quite different than other outcome instruments. It is an outcome measure, but it is also a...

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Doing the Outcome Rating Scale the Right Way

The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS), the measure of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS), is quite different than other outcome instruments. It is an outcome measure, but it is also a...

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The Outcome Rating Scale: A Horse of a Different Color

The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS), the measure of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS), is quite different than other outcome instruments. The ORS provides a functional and quality...

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Why You Should Implement Routine Outcome Monitoring in Behavioral Health

Routine outcome monitoring (ROM) is gaining traction across behavioral health settings. Not only has research demonstrated increased therapy outcomes and efficiency, all three major accreditation...

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Psychotherapy Struggles with Social Justice

Although there have been great strides regarding diversity, inclusion, and multicultural competence, the psychotherapy field seems stuck regarding taking the next step in implementing social justice...

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The First Self-Rated Outcome Measure for Children: The Child Outcome Rating Scale

Giving youth a voice in therapy is given a lot of lip service. But just like privileging clients, when the doors are closed or the teletherapy begins, whose voice is really heard? This is especially...

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Huge Benefits for Patients in Integrated Healthcare Using PCOMS!

Great news for patients receiving treatment in integrated healthcare, where behavioral health and medical providers work collaboratively to address patient needs. The first study of measurement-based...

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