Better Outcomes Now Blog

Integrating Technology in Psychotherapy

Integrating technology and mental health can empower practitioners to deliver optimal services to clients and sustain a thriving practice. There are several ways in which you can effectively leverage...

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Clients Who Made Me Better: First Lessons

It’s never too late to be who you might have been.

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Reliance on the Alliance, Part 4: The Client’s Theory of Change

Ideally, therapists should select for each patient the therapy that accords, or can be brought to accord, with the patient’s personal characteristics and view of the problem. - Jerome Frank

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Reliance on the Alliance, Part 3: The Tasks of Therapy

The alliance is the central filter of all your words and actions: Is what I am saying and doing now building or risking the alliance? Bordin (1979) classically defined the alliance with three...

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Reliance on the Alliance, Part 2: Client Goals

The alliance is an all-encompassing framework for psychotherapy — it transcends any specific therapist behavior and is a property of all aspects of providing services. It calls for your utmost...

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Reliance on the Alliance, Part 1

Listening creates a holy silence. When you listen generously to people, they can hear the truth in themselves, often for the first time. And when you listen deeply, you can know yourself in everyone.

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5 Tips for Using the Outcome and Session Rating Scales

The Outcome Rating Scale and Session Rating Scale, key components of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS), are not only reliable measures of psychotherapy benefit and the...

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The Heroic Client

Until lions have their historians, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter. African Proverb

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How to Choose a Mental Health Assessment Tool

Mental health assessment tools, also called outcome management tools or quality improvement tools, are often part of what is called routine outcome monitoring (ROM) or systematic client feedback....

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5 Steps to Accelerate Your Development

How do you accelerate your development? The prerequisite is your understanding that you are a primary figure in each client’s ultimate outcome — the client is certainly central but, as the old saying...

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