Better Outcomes Now Blog

Introducing Evidence-Based Practice and Technology in Therapeutic Services

Evidence-based treatment (EBT) has a somewhat tumultuous history within psychotherapy for two reasons. First, it has been criticized for reducing clients to their diagnoses and therapists to their...

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How to Decrease No-Show Rates Using Client Feedback in Therapy

Let’s be honest, everyone dreads no-shows. No one likes to sit in an office waiting, and waiting, and waiting, only to find out no one’s coming because the client didn’t call to reschedule. Or even...

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PCOMS and Groups: 4 Steps for Success

Two randomized clinical trials confirm that the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) improves outcomes and reduces dropouts in group therapy with both mental health and substance...

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Solution Focused Therapy, the Common Factors, and PCOMS

....a ménage a trois made in heaven...

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5 Tips for Administering Outcome Measures with Families

All family therapists have been in sessions where sparks fly among family members. At times it may feel like the family dynamic is a giant Gordian knot full of confusion, condemnations, and drama....

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How to Address Outcome Rating Scale Scoring in Therapy

The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) is used by the client to rate three domains: individual (personal well-being), interpersonal (family/close relationships), and social (work/school/friendships) as well...

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Results in the Real World: Serving the Impoverished

A 2018 meta-analysis by feedback pioneer, Michael Lambert unequivocally demonstrates that PCOMS significantly improves outcomes. Lambert et al. (2018) concluded:

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Identifying At-Risk Clients: Why I Love PCOMS

A major benefit of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) is the identification of clients who are not benefitting, permitting new directions to be collaboratively charted. PCOMS...

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PCOMS Supervision Process Puts Clients First

Our training provides us with signs that clients are improving. Some of us also rely on our experience, having seen similar cases in the past, to gauge improvement. And, as scientists, we know that...

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What Are the Benefits of Outcome Measurement in Psychotherapy?

In my 39+ years and more than 17,000 hours of client experience, I’ve thought a lot about assessments and results. Throughout the years, as I saw more clients, some of the same questions kept popping...

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